Free Ways to Advertise Your New Floral Design Business


Free Ways to Advertise Your New Floral Design Business

It's tough to navigate the world of marketing, especially when you don't have a background in it. And let’s face it, most creatives prefer the part of our business where we get to create to the admin side. But fear not, there are several proven no-cost ways to advertise your floral business when you’re not ready to put a lot of money into it yet.
One way to advertise your services for free is no surprise—social media. But are you half-heartedly leaving posts here and there, or are you leveraging it like a business owner? You don’t have to tackle every social platform, choose 1-3 platforms that you feel the most comfortable with. Already comfortable on Twitter? Start there!

That’s a huge deal when you’re an entrepreneur!

Share photos of your work, testimonials from satisfied clients, and any special deals or promotions you're offering. You could take a deeper dive into the specifics of social media marketing, and there’s no doubt that would help your business. But just by being consistent, thinking strategically, and posting like a confident business owner, you’ll be better positioned to attract quality clients.
Another way to find clients is through networking. Attend local bridal shows, join wedding industry groups on social media, and attend events hosted by other wedding professionals in your area. Offer to collaborate with other wedding vendors, such as photographers or caterers, to cross-promote each other's services.
Don't forget to leverage word-of-mouth advertising. Encourage your satisfied clients to leave reviews on your website or social media pages, and offer referral bonuses to clients who refer new business to you. There’s no need to be overly pushy about this tactic, but when clients are thanking you for a job well done, that would be a great time to encourage them to tell others. If you mention how much it would help you if they leave a review or spread the word, many are happy to help.
Finding clients is just one aspect of the customer journey that will affect your bottom line as new entrepreneurs find out quickly. We have resources to help you enjoy that business you’ve dreamed of for so long, including a new course on pricing and profitability.
You’ll love Bloom Economics, our new course on pricing and profitability for wedding and event floral designers. The tools and strategies you need to make more money are easy to master when you learn from a floral business expert. Leah T. Williams has already done the hard work of figuring things out, and in this course, she walks you through it all. Click here to learn more about Bloom Economics!

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